pointto_point to point

海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供point to的在线翻译,point to是什么意思,point to的真人发音,权威用法和精选例句等。 point to 英 [pɔɪnt tu] 美 [pɔːɪnt tu] 指向;意味着

point to 和point at有什么区别创建于 2017-09-101个回答apfq67082017-09-12 point to/point atpoint to与point at都含有

point to多用来表示指向离说话人较远的事物,意为“指向”,to也是介词,着重于指的方向. He pointed to the house on the other side of the river and said,“That’s my home.” 他

point at和point to的区别创建于 2015-10-191个回答ramx铭翔2015-10-20一、point at习惯上表示指向离说话人较近的事物,意为

point to多用来表示指向离说话人较远的事物,意为“指向”,to也是介词,着重于指的方向. He pointed to the house on the other side of the river and said,“That’s my home.”

point at,point to和point out的意思都与“指”有关,但还是有一定区别。 point at习惯上表示指向离说话人较近的事物,意为“指着”,at是介词,着重于指的对象。 don’t point at the words while you are reading. 读书时不要用手指着字。 the teacher pointed at the blackboard and said,“you must look carefully.” 老师指着黑板说:“你必

point to/point at point topoint at都含有"指……"的含义,但二者侧重点不同。point to侧重指方向,意为"指向";point at侧重指的对象,意为"指着"。如果表述的内容强调对象就用point at;如果强调方向,则用point to。例如: It is rude to point at a person.指着人是失礼的。 The teacher is pointing at the map and saying,"Here is Beijing." 老师指着地图说:"这是北京。" The needle of a com

平常 明灯 鸠合显现时段,会集于下昼6点到(Point to)8点(两个理由,一个由于此时(Now)是开饭时刻,人在肌饿及疲惫交迫光阴最便利出错,另一个情由产生在澳门,即是自由行团通常

一、point at习惯上表示指向离说话人较近的事物,意为"指着",at是介词,着重于指的对象。 例1、Don't point at the words while you are reading. 读书时不要用手指着字。 例2、The teacher pointed at the blackboard and said,"You must look carefully." 老师指着黑板说:"你必须看仔细。" 二、point to多用来表示指向离说话人较远的事物,意为"指向",to也是介词,着重于指的方向。 例1、He pointed to the house on the other side of the river and said,"That's my home." 他指着河对岸的房子说:"那是我家。" 例2、As he started the operation,the hour hand of the clock point

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Friends Point To Sky Look! Royalty Free Stock

400x268 - 23KB - JPEG



1080x810 - 69KB - JPEG

Direction finger point to the left

Direction finger point to the left

1200x800 - 683KB - JPEG

Muscular Asian man point to peeled banana

Muscular Asian man point to peeled banana

1023x682 - 105KB - JPEG

Point to Point Navigation: A Memoir\/Gore Vida

Point to Point Navigation: A Memoir\/Gore Vida

300x300 - 17KB - JPEG

Silhouette of a biker on the beach point to suns

Silhouette of a biker on the beach point to suns

682x1023 - 194KB - JPEG

Direction finger point to the right side

Direction finger point to the right side

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Amazon.com: Fox Racing Youth Point to the Fe

Amazon.com: Fox Racing Youth Point to the Fe

300x300 - 10KB - JPEG

Pour Concrete

Pour Concrete

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Young Asian woman point to blank space.

Young Asian woman point to blank space.

1200x800 - 377KB - JPEG

hina's central bank cuts banks' reserve ratio to

hina's central bank cuts banks' reserve ratio to

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Point to life(2)

Point to life(2)

412x257 - 24KB - JPEG

Point and Line to Plane (Dover Fine Art, History

Point and Line to Plane (Dover Fine Art, History

232x346 - 28KB - JPEG

point to life-img_0961[1]图片-上海购物

point to life-img_0961[1]图片-上海购物

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Point the finger to your head and think

Point the finger to your head and think

497x497 - 19KB - JPEG

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