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teal是什么颜色? cr5377012级分类:外语被浏览1264次2013.04.02 abc116116 采纳率:46%12级2013.04.03 兰绿色。 答答360问答团队最勤劳最可爱的答答 2013.04.02 下面是

Teal Group Predicts Worldwide Military UAV Production of $90 Billion Over the Next Decade Washington, DC – November 19, 2018: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) will be t

Teal Swan is a personal transformation revolutionary. As a renowned author, speaker and social media star, she travels the world teaching self-development and teaching people

In the TEAL project, Belcher teamed up with Co-Principal Investigators Peter Dourmashkin and David Litster to reformat the teaching of freshman physics at MIT with a new mix of

简介:Teaching English as an Additional Language (TEAL) 是英语作为一种附加语言的教学。1.作为颜色。Teal为蓝

teal teal AHD:[t¶l] D.J.[ti8l] K.K.[til] n.(名词) 【复数】 tealteals Any of several small, short-necked freshwater ducks, especially of the genus Anas, that feed on the

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