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ß is considered the Eszett or the sharp s , or Teufel . ß only exists as a lower case character. It used to be used in place of two Long s letters together (ſſ = ß). But if the prece

This is an overview of the OpenType Layout features that are implemented in UnifrakturMaguntia 2016-02-18. Some features are aſſigned both as character variants and as ſ

ſignificant changes to the bar height on f, k, t, long ſ; ſignificant changes or new deſign of many glyphs, including: s, I, J, Æ, Œ, Ø, Þ, Ð, ø, æ, œ, /, , , all ligatures, all accen

Igrave;ȏſſ by COWON. Versions: 7.1. File name: JetAudio.exe 코원 미디어 센터 - 제트오디오Ìȏſſ . The most popular version of this product among our users is 7.1. The

Beispiel: Waſ-ſer, weſ-ſen. Vor anderen Konsonanten als p, ſ und t gehört der S-Laut in der Regel zur ersten Silbe und wird daher mit s bezeichnet. Beispiel: Maske, Bos

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