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Water - absorbing capacity of the composite materials decreased with the increase of the degree of etherification ., 复合材料的吸水率随醚化程度的提高而降低. {二手车批发}就找


on the contrary, he felt a certain degree of lightness, a faculty for absorbing the pure air, and enjoying the Bright sunshine more vividly than ever 相反的,他却感觉相当轻松,他从来没

The modified high water-absorbing resin is prepared by aqueous solution polymerization with acrylic acid( AA) as the monomer,calcium carbonate as the modified additives,N,N-

Kunming 650093, China; Kunming Hendera of Science and Technology Co., Ltd, Kunming 650106, China);Recent developments of ferrite nano absorbing materials[A];[C];2006

Looking for absorbing? Find out information about absorbing. To take up a substance in bulk. To take up energy from radiation. To take up matter or radiation Explanation of abso

These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'absorbing.' Views expressed in the examples do not re

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