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To give a more system and practical explanation of problems, stick out the principle of theory combining practice, the paper specially adds some relevant contents of cases evalua

简介:《Explanation》是Train演唱的一首歌曲。  基本信息​歌手: Train所属专辑:《For Me, It'S You》发行时

explanation 英 [ˌekspləˈneɪʃn] 美 [ˌɛkspləˈneʃən] n.解释; 说明; 辩解; (消除误会后)和解 解释;说明;辩解;解释说明 复数: explanations 双语例句 1. Their water was turned off weeks ago without explanation. 他们的水在几周以前就毫无理由地被切断了。 2. Herr Kohler wanted an explanation for what he described as "slanderous" remarks. 赫尔·科勒希望有人能够为那些他称之为"造谣中伤"的言辞作出解释。 3. It is possible that there's an explanation for all this. 也许,对于所有这一切,会有一种解释。 4. She had not waited for any explanation but had condemned him unheard. 她没等他解释,就指责他充耳不闻。 5. H

ex·pla·na·tion | \ ˌek-splə-ˈnā-shən \ Kids Definition of explanation the act or process of making clear or giving reasons for “Nothin' happened,” said Stacey in explan

explanation,definition,description,exposition,interpretation 这些名词都含有“解释”或“说明”之意。 explanation普通用词,指使人明白未知或不清楚的事。 definition主要指对某

explanation的意思是“解释,说明”,既可作可数名词,又可作不可数名词,用作可数名词时,可用复数形式表示不同的种类。 explanation也可表示“能说明某事缘由的言语、事实、

比如:My interpretation of what he said is that he would quit the team.对他所说的话,我的理解是他准备退队.His explanation of quitting the team is that he does not have to time.他解

如:You had better give me an explanation. 2.如果指代解释的行为或泛指的解释时,可做不可数名词. 如:The new method needs explanation. 作业帮用户 2016-12-11 其他类似问题

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