
San Francisco's luxury bus puts your commute

San Francisco's luxury bus puts your commute

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ouse prices too high? How an hour's commute

ouse prices too high? How an hour's commute

964x903 - 159KB - JPEG

Snap serious selfies with Samsung's Galaxy A3

Snap serious selfies with Samsung's Galaxy A3

724x407 - 72KB - JPEG

Ain't No Sunshine |

Ain't No Sunshine |

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Britain's average daily commute is ONE HOUR

Britain's average daily commute is ONE HOUR

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How to Make a Train Commute More Enjoyable

How to Make a Train Commute More Enjoyable

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Timbuk2 Power Commute 15 Laptop Messeng

Timbuk2 Power Commute 15 Laptop Messeng

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浮皮猫 v1.5 安卓版

浮皮猫 v1.5 安卓版

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ityGo Urban - Changing your Urban Commute F

ityGo Urban - Changing your Urban Commute F

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变身手提箱 Commute-Case炫酷脚踏车

变身手提箱 Commute-Case炫酷脚踏车

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模拟交通游戏 指挥交通的游戏推荐

模拟交通游戏 指挥交通的游戏推荐

700x350 - 272KB - JPEG

2. The average Los Angeles commute is over 60 miles a day. 在洛杉矶,每天上下班的平均路程为60多英里。 3. I bought a motorcycle to commute

Kiddie Commute provides cost effective transportation service for kids in the Greater San Diego area. We are dedicated to protecting your most precious assets. We pride

When you commute between a suburb and a city, you're exchanging one location for another. When a chief executive substitutes a life sentence for the death sentence handed dow


3. It is inconvenient for Jude to commute between school and home, so he decides to live in the dorm. 对裘德而言,在学校和家里之间通勤是很不方便的,所以他决定住宿舍。 英英

必应词典为您提供commute的释义,美[kə'mjut],英[kə'mjuːt],n.上下班路程; v. (乘公共汽车、火车、汽车等)上下班往返;减刑;代偿;网络释义:通勤;交换;乘车上下班; 打开必应主页

This solution, called ProximateCommute, was created by a Seattle company. It is consumer and environmentally friendly, easily implemented by public and private employers, has

His sentence was commuted from death to life imprisonment. 他由死刑改判为终身监禁.2.用.交换(或代替);交换[(+for/into)]3.改变,使变成[(+into)]4.折合;折偿[(+into/for)] 不及物动词

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