
We Shall Not Cease from Exploration, Andy Ma

We Shall Not Cease from Exploration, Andy Ma

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McCain, Obama call political cease-fire for 9\/11

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Libya calls on rival militia groups to cease fire a

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Kerry's cease-fire aim now backed by Susan R

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Oh, Cease Thy Singing, Maiden Fair, Op. 4 No

Oh, Cease Thy Singing, Maiden Fair, Op. 4 No

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Cease Fire

Cease Fire

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简介:cease是动词,中文名是终止,近义词是stop。动词过去式: ceased 动词过去分词: ceased动词现在分词: ceasing

cease正式完全彻底的停止,分为to do 和doing; stop口语中常用:停止,阻止但是stop doing是停止做一件事,stop to do是停下来做某事;但是cease 的to do和doing释义与stop不同。

专升本英语单词表 -豆丁网 . cave洞穴,山洞 cease停止,中止 ceiling天花板. 日本民宿 去看看 英语 去看看 全自动洗车机 去看看 加湿器 去看看 老北京布鞋 去看看 桂林旅游 去看

1. (`cease' is a noun only in the phrase `without cease') end 2. put an end to a state or an activity 3. have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or met

v. [siːs] ( ceases; ceased; ceasing ) 双解释义 vt. & vi. 停止,终止,结束 stop (especially an activity or state) 基本要点 词汇搭配 常用短语 句型例句 词语辨异 学习参考 补充资料

cease: [14] Cease comes via Old French cesser from Latin cessāre ‘delay, stop’. This was derived from cessus, the past participle of cēdere ‘go away, withdraw, yield’,

cease正式完全彻底的停止,分为to do和doing; stop口语中常用:停止,阻止但是stop doing是停止做一件事,stop to do是停下来做某事;但是cease的to do和doing释义与stop不同. 作

cease to do 和cease doing意思都是“同一件事情停止下来”,区别在于前者是一种自然而然的变化,而后表示主观控制的结果. On Jan.1,1992,the USSR ceased to exist. Henry i

cease to do和cease doing意思都是“同一件事情停止下来”,区别在于前者是一种自然而然的变化,而后表示主观控制的结果。 On Jan. 1, 1992, the USSR ceased to exist.

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