illness怎么读_mental illness怎么读

illness [lns][发音] n.病;疾病 [ . 来自考研词霸 - 微

illness [lns][发音] n.病;疾病 [ . 来自考研词霸 - 微

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n! Trooper Cheryl Cole powers through illness a

n! Trooper Cheryl Cole powers through illness a

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Illness, flu: woman with thermometer in mouth

Illness, flu: woman with thermometer in mouth

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Illness on bed icon vector isolated on white bac

Illness on bed icon vector isolated on white bac

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isrupted sleep could help tackle mental illness |

isrupted sleep could help tackle mental illness |

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illness inflammation 库存照片

illness inflammation 库存照片

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d after an outbreak of deadly breathing illness M

d after an outbreak of deadly breathing illness M

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s apology from Miley Cyrus over mental illness

s apology from Miley Cyrus over mental illness

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Illness Royalty Free Stock Photo - Image: 9417

Illness Royalty Free Stock Photo - Image: 9417

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What Mental Illness Causes Elevated Levels of

What Mental Illness Causes Elevated Levels of

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Mental illness myths decoded - The Times of In

Mental illness myths decoded - The Times of In

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urvival: For Students who Suffer from a Mental Illness

urvival: For Students who Suffer from a Mental Illness

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Object, White Background, Narcotic, Illness | Do

Object, White Background, Narcotic, Illness | Do

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Garra Rufa Fish Treat Skin-Illness of ecspafish

Garra Rufa Fish Treat Skin-Illness of ecspafish

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illness 英音:['ilnis] 美音:['ɪlnɪs]

展开全部 illness [ˈɪlnɪs] 一欧泥丝


Studies of illness in the agedStudies of illness in the aged : the index of ADLFood-related illness and death in the United States.Foodborne illness acquired in the United States--m

1. In the face of serious illness, she showed great courage. 面对严重的疾病,她表现出了巨大的勇气。 2. People drink realgar wine to protect themselves from illness. 大部分人喝

1.disease泛指各种疾病,尤指传染病,遗传病和诸如心脏病、癌症等严重疾病; sickness多指晕船、恶心、胃病等方面的疾病或有关饮食方面的疾病; illness多指患病的状态及持续


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