show details是什么意思_show details中文意思

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He drew out a plan for the reorganization, without showing any details 他草拟了一个改组计划,但没有说任何具体的内容。 A show of debate, delegates were allowed to nit-pick a

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Even though the transfer was successful, some of the records were not placed on the mobile device. To see details, click the Show Log button. 尽管已成功地进行了传输,但某些记

show details 显示详细信息 双语对照 例句: 1. In the processed digital image, multiple exposures of the celestial scene were combined to showdetails of the bright lunar surface along with the pleiades stars. 在这张经过数字处理的照片中,多重曝光的天体风景经过合成,同时展现了明亮的月球表面和相对较暗的昴星团的细节 .- 很高兴为你解答! 如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

show 表现 展现,拿出来让别人看 ditails 细节 意思是~~~表现细节~~展现出细节来 还的看是在那句话中一起出现的~~~

show details 展示细节

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A2669 show details MILANO WOMEN COLLE

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d Sarah Snyder to Kanye West's NYFW show.

d Sarah Snyder to Kanye West's NYFW show.

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d Sarah Snyder to Kanye West's NYFW show.

d Sarah Snyder to Kanye West's NYFW show.

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g 2017 Ready-to-Wear Fashion Show Details -

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魔力show有什么功效 魔力show有什么成份 魔力

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