detailed explain_detailed information

More specifically, dualists like Descartes struggle to explain how a physical body connects to an immaterial soul. 更进一步,像笛卡尔一样的二元论者努力想要解释,生理客体是如何

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Our guide gave us a detailed _ (explain) of the local marriage customs. 括号中的词变为适当的形式填入空白处,略作说明,顺便翻译一下句子。谢谢! explanation解释这里填名词

内容提示:Allelic heterogeneity and more detailed analyses ofknown loci explain additional phenotypic variationand reveal complex patterns of associationAndrew R. Wood1, Den

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upward. Photo by Samuel Rogers (with added annotations by courtesy of US Air Force. Read more about how engines work in our detailed article on jet eng

Explaines and detailed information about how we can interface analog devices high speed analog to digital convertes via SPI. Defines the electrical, timing and prodedural require

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DB2 9.5 SQL Procedure Developer exam 735

DB2 9.5 SQL Procedure Developer exam 735

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关于英语代名词的用法~Explain the anaphoric

关于英语代名词的用法~Explain the anaphoric

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关于英语代名词的用法~Explain the anaphoric

关于英语代名词的用法~Explain the anaphoric

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ew 'hot Jupiter' with THREE suns could explain

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etween male and female brains could explain w

etween male and female brains could explain w

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waaaat? | Competition: win a book documentin

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Exclusive: CDC reassigns director of lab behin

Exclusive: CDC reassigns director of lab behin

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(精)EXPLAIN M03 - Radio Network Planning P

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Woman jailed for 53 hours then deported from U

Woman jailed for 53 hours then deported from U

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viously thought - and the findings could explain w

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A phase I trial to evaluate the safety and pharm

A phase I trial to evaluate the safety and pharm

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Three geeks and a microphone – recording sc

Three geeks and a microphone – recording sc

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Role of Tax protein in human T-cell leukemia vir

Role of Tax protein in human T-cell leukemia vir

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