matter of fact_the matter of fact

大学英语四级常用词组 . anything but根本不 as a matter of fact实际上 apart from除.外(有/无). 4. 事实是 新浪教育_新浪网 . in matter of与…有关 as a matter of fact实际上,不瞒你说

用以加强语气,意思是:事实上; 说真的; 其实 I'm going there tomorrow, as a matter of fact. 说实话, 明天我要去那里.

matter-of-fact [英]['mætər əv fækt][美][ˈmætərəvˈfækt] adj. 切合实际的; 讲求实际的; 就事论事的; 平淡的; 面不改色的; 例句 John was doing his best to give Francis the news in a matter-of-fact way 约翰尽量不露声色地把消息告诉弗朗西斯。

简介:matter是个英文单词,有问题,关系重大的意思1)n. 问题,情况,物质,物品,材料That'sthematterupforcont

1. As a matter of fact, we were just talking about you when you came in. 不瞒你说,你进来时我们正谈论你呢。 2. As a matter of fact, I was

这三个短语及单词的意义是完全一样的,词性也一样,都是副词。稍微有点不同的地方,只在于actually可以修饰形容词,动词,或者其他副词,或者一个句子,而另外两个只能修饰一个句子,并且通常放在句首。看例句:1.Actually, he is my cousin.事实上,他是我的表哥。(放句首,修饰后面的句子)Dinosaurs actually existed on earth once.恐龙确实曾经存在于地球上。(修饰动词existed)2.As a matter of fact, I knew this long time ago.事实上,我早就知道了。(修饰后面的句子)3.In fact, this statement is not correct. 事实上,这个描述是不正确的。(修饰后面的句子)希望以上的解说够清楚能帮到你。

in fact和as a matter of fact结构不同,但它们的意思是一样的,都表示"事实上"等意。其用法相同,可以在口语或书面语中替换使用: in fact=as a matter of fact-

as a matter of fact意思是"事实是" the matter of fact意思是"这个事实是" 具体要是放在句子的首位的话,用AS A MATTER OF FACT THE的后面要加IS 等B

matter of fact是对以色列在当代陶瓷界中特定

matter of fact是对以色列在当代陶瓷界中特定

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英语as a matter of fact是什么意思

英语as a matter of fact是什么意思

706x457 - 33KB - JPEG River's Edge Yes, As A Matter of Fact, River's Edge Yes, As A Matter of Fact,

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as a matter of fact

as a matter of fact

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as a matter of fact

as a matter of fact

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【港大展览】Matter of Fact 来自三位年轻韩国

【港大展览】Matter of Fact 来自三位年轻韩国

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【【预订】A Matter-Of-Fact Magic Book: The

【【预订】A Matter-Of-Fact Magic Book: The

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【【预订】A Matter-Of-Fact Magic Book: The

【【预订】A Matter-Of-Fact Magic Book: The

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《A Matter-of-Fact Magic Book The Witch at th

《A Matter-of-Fact Magic Book The Witch at th

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as a matter of fact

as a matter of fact

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Rivers Edge Yes, As A Matter of Fact, I do Hav

Rivers Edge Yes, As A Matter of Fact, I do Hav

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as a matter of fact

as a matter of fact

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llection Of Modern Relations Of Matter Of Fact,

llection Of Modern Relations Of Matter Of Fact,

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as a matter of fact

as a matter of fact

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as a matter of fact _高一英语

as a matter of fact _高一英语

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