
Substance website Toolsand librariesfor web-based content production. NEW: Texture 1.0 released. Learn more. Articles Here is a collection of timely pieces, related to Substa

SUBSTANCE DESIGNER PYTHON API for the single user SUBSTANCE AUTOMATION TOOLKIT for the company They Create With Substance The Substance toolset helps film

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I'm followin the Substanced installation instructions here step:3 $ bin/python -c from substanced.file import magic; assert magic is not None, 'python-magic not installed' = python-m

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Allegorithmic is the developer of Substance, the killer app when it comes to texturing the next wave of 3D.

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The old Hardstyle shuffle HR SubstanceD鬼步舞-曳步舞479 The old Hardstyle shuffle HR SubstanceD The old Hardstyle shuffle HR S

Substance Designer纹理材质制作软件

Substance Designer纹理材质制作软件

599x256 - 23KB - JPEG

Substance Painter for Mac

Substance Painter for Mac

626x371 - 36KB - JPEG

substance painter颜色id如何制作

substance painter颜色id如何制作

1920x1080 - 698KB - JPEG

Substance Designer   2017.2

Substance Designer   2017.2

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substance painter试用作品|三维|场景|戴老师的渲染作坊 - 原创作品 - 站酷 (ZCOOL)

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substance painter介绍及快捷键使用

substance painter介绍及快捷键使用

650x377 - 17KB - JPEG

acific Tide Pools, Eric Wiley : More substance

acific Tide Pools, Eric Wiley : More substance

658x658 - 55KB - JPEG



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Substance Painter Mac破解版|Substance Pain

Substance Painter Mac破解版|Substance Pain

512x512 - 32KB - PNG

Substance Designer 6 Beta, Ben Wilson : I was

Substance Designer 6 Beta, Ben Wilson : I was

658x657 - 379KB - JPEG

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别找了!你要的国内首个SP 2018中文版教程就

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Fate\/Stay Night - Saber

Fate\/Stay Night - Saber

1280x720 - 180KB - JPEG

Substance Designer完全上手教程(中文版)

Substance Designer完全上手教程(中文版)

1852x771 - 1220KB - PNG

次世代道具案例教学Part 2 - Baking & PBR Texturing - Substance Painter 2 | ABOUTCG资讯速递

次世代道具案例教学Part 2 - Baking & PBR Texturing - Substance Painter 2 | ABOUTCG资讯速递

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Substance Designer纹理材质软件V4.1 - 业界资讯 - 直线网 - 最专业的视频教程平台

584x257 - 38KB - JPEG

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