to this anxious lot_anxious to return

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That's one way to take your mind off the flight! A

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ettlement from her ex-husband is allowed to kee

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Smoking Rubble, Police Barricades and a Lot

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014: Nearly a quarter of women feel anxious all

014: Nearly a quarter of women feel anxious all

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Pictured: Bobbi Kristina Brown's anxious husba

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Smoking Rubble, Police Barricades and a Lot

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teachers, and fretful inner-monologues. To this anxious lot, I offer some advice, which comes not only from a bit of experience, but also a bit of empirical research: just chill out, oka

简介:结果状语从句是英语学科中的一个句型。从句常由so… that或such…that引导。掌握这两个句型,首先要了解so

to be the issues that might not can be purchased completely as far as eyesight would be the fact anxious. This fundamental intent behind a lot of these shades is that to guard this

she kept _46_ when others got anxious. “I like your poise(淡定). Very few people on this stage can keep calm like you do,” said one of the show’s judges, Hu Haiquan, to Su.

Share or comment on this article: 'I spent a lot of the past year feeling quite anxious': Suki Waterhouse admits she struggled to cope with juggling a career and long distance roma

RT详细回答,谢谢~道理很简单啊,前面的形式主语是work,肯定属于被动呀,所以要用to be done,而不是to do。楼主的想法我知道怎么回事。有这样一句话:there is a lot of work for

这里使用的是被动语态,work是被做的,所以用be done但是句子的主语不是she吗?i和do不是构成主谓关系吗? eg:with a lot of work to do, i can,t go to the cinema.追问中的例子是

3.Catherine's group members are athletic and spend a lot of timeworking out.Theyare fo my husband said to me: I don't know how you are going to write about this movie. What,

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