hold out什么意思_hold out的意思

Career Coach: Take new job or hold out for pro

Career Coach: Take new job or hold out for pro

564x404 - 58KB - JPEG

Businessman hold reach out hand

Businessman hold reach out hand

1023x717 - 154KB - JPEG

Hold out your hand…

Hold out your hand…

700x700 - 74KB - JPEG

Hold out your hand…

Hold out your hand…

700x700 - 65KB - JPEG

Editorial Image: People hold out a USA Flag in

Editorial Image: People hold out a USA Flag in

400x300 - 58KB - JPEG

Hold out your hand…

Hold out your hand…

700x700 - 70KB - JPEG

Hold out your hand…

Hold out your hand…

700x700 - 66KB - JPEG

Hold out your hand…

Hold out your hand…

700x700 - 73KB - JPEG



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Can't Hold Out (Talk to Me Baby) [feat. Ben Har

Can't Hold Out (Talk to Me Baby) [feat. Ben Har

1500x1500 - 476KB - JPEG



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Cold Steel Hold Out Serrated 11hxls - Newegg

Cold Steel Hold Out Serrated 11hxls - Newegg

640x480 - 11KB - JPEG

pc 水世界未加密版下载 Hide & Hold Out H2o破

pc 水世界未加密版下载 Hide & Hold Out H2o破

600x337 - 52KB - JPEG



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autner and girlfriend Marie Avgeropoulos hold h

autner and girlfriend Marie Avgeropoulos hold h

634x749 - 89KB - JPEG

翻译(65)文档信息 . hold oneself aloof做出清高的样子 hold out on 保守秘密 hold out 伸出 But talks were put on hold for much of Monday, after African delegates walked out saying

hold out 拿出,伸出;坚持,维持 He held out the keys and I took them. 他伸手把钥匙递过来,我接了。 We can stay here for as

360翻译支持中英深度互译,提供生词释义、权威词典、双语例句等优质英语学习资源,3 大学英语四级常用词组 . hold one's own坚守住,不被打败 hold out伸出;坚持;支持 hold up

海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供holdout的在线翻译,holdout什么意思,holdout的真人发音,权威用法和精选例句等。 holdout 英 ['həʊldaʊt] 美 ['hoʊldˌaʊt] n. 抵抗者;

沪江词库精选hold out是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语 You hold all that it can give or take away was the midge that the sun-blink brings out, and


沪江词库精选hold out on是什么意思、英语单词推荐、hold out on的用法、hold out on的 沪江词库精选hold out on是什么意思、英语单词推荐 保守秘密,隐瞒 hold outv. 1.伸出,提

1.动词十介词/副词 . hold on坚持住,握住不放;(打电话时)不挂断,等-会 hold out 维持,保持 PHRASAL VERB If you say that someone is holding out on you, you think that they are re

hold on. 比如你打电话的时候,中途有事要别人等等,但不挂电话,就用hold on a moment please.没听过谁用hold out a moment please的。 我也不常听见hold out这个词。所以对不

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