a lot of同义词_a lot of的同义词组

a lot of的同义词和例句

a lot of的同义词和例句

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a lot of,lot's of 和a lot请问如何用呢?原来是lots

a lot of,lot's of 和a lot请问如何用呢?原来是lots

740x540 - 109KB - JPEG

a lot of,lot's of 和a lot请问如何用呢?原来是lots

a lot of,lot's of 和a lot请问如何用呢?原来是lots

599x600 - 396KB - JPEG

a lots of的同义词

a lots of的同义词

500x356 - 19KB - JPEG

模仿造句:1.My uncle wants me to eat a lot of fru

模仿造句:1.My uncle wants me to eat a lot of fru

666x248 - 300KB - PNG

a lot的同义词_英语单词

a lot的同义词_英语单词

1920x1080 - 228KB - JPEG

Although I love my life, it hasn't been a lot of fun

Although I love my life, it hasn't been a lot of fun

661x228 - 48KB - JPEG

around,exciting,review ,traditional,a lot,scary造句

around,exciting,review ,traditional,a lot,scary造句

600x450 - 32KB - JPEG



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a lot的反义词有那些_英语单词

a lot的反义词有那些_英语单词

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sure造句,用sure造句,用be sure造句|图片

sure造句,用sure造句,用be sure造句|图片

680x629 - 57KB - JPEG



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初中英语重点同义词、反义词全汇总! 利用暑假

初中英语重点同义词、反义词全汇总! 利用暑假

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同义词有lots of,a great many of, quite a few,a great deal of, a large amount of a lot of的用法既可以修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词,通常用于肯定句中。在否定句和疑问句中

a lot of=lots of 修饰可数名词复数可用a great many of, quite a few 修饰不可数名词可用a great deal of, a large amount of 修饰单数可数名词可用many a 既可修饰可数名词复数又可修饰不可数名词有a lot of, lots of, a large qutities of,plenty of

a lot of同义词可以是many、much,都作为形容词;但是a lot是一个很灵活的副词性短语,不是a lot of同义词a lot of修饰可数名词的时候,同义词可以是many;修饰不可数名词的时候,同义词可以使much;可数不可数都可以用的同义词有:lots of、a large number of、a large amount of、a great quantity of。 1、a lot of 英[ə lɔt ɔv] 美[e lɑt ʌv] adj. 诸多; 许多的; [例句]I am spending a lot of money and time on this boat, but it is worth it 我在这艘船上花了很多金钱和时间,但都很值得。 2、a lot 英[ə lɔt] 美[e lɑt] [词典] 非常多; 成总儿; [例句]I am spending a lot of money and time on this boat, but it is worth it 我在这艘船上花了很多金钱和时间,但都很值得。

lots of , variour of , a deal of, a mass of adj.large numbers of plenty of adj.a number of adj.a good many adj.a great many adj.

lots of , variour of , a deal of, a mass of adj. large numbers of plenty of adj. a number of adj. a good many adj. a great many adj.

a lot of”的近义词有哪些? 我来答 Aha婷婷 来自百度知道认证团队 2017-12-06 Ah 3、Is there a lot of effort and money going into this sort of research? 这种研究目前是否

a lot of同义词 作业帮用户 英语 2016-11-18 优质解答 many 可数 much 不可数 lots of ,a large number of ,a large amount of ,a great quantity of可数,不可数都可用 作业帮用户

求翻译:lots of同义词a lot of是什么意思? lots of同义词a lot of 支持(0) | 反对(1) | 我来评论2013-01-04 20:07 支持(0) | 反对(1) | 我来评论2013-01-04 20:08 支持(0) | 反

a lot of同义词“a great deal” a lot of同义词 lots of , variour of , a geart of, a pleat of ,many of, a deal of, a lot of的同义词是lots of后宫 lots of lots of,a lot a great dea qiewoyehui a

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