elect和choose的区别_选择一个应该用select 还是choose

choose、select、elect、pick 的区别

choose、select、elect、pick 的区别

640x260 - 39KB - JPEG

choose、select、elect、pick 的区别

choose、select、elect、pick 的区别

480x260 - 25KB - PNG

我的英语笔记--选择有别 (elect, choose, selec

我的英语笔记--选择有别 (elect, choose, selec

501x333 - 25KB - JPEG

How did they choose to elect the first president

How did they choose to elect the first president

768x298 - 7KB - JPEG

How did they choose to elect the first president

How did they choose to elect the first president

267x320 - 10KB - JPEG

How did they choose to elect the first president

How did they choose to elect the first president

207x320 - 8KB - JPEG

我的英语笔记--选择有别 (elect, choose, selec

我的英语笔记--选择有别 (elect, choose, selec

501x333 - 35KB - JPEG

How did they choose to elect the first president

How did they choose to elect the first president

253x320 - 10KB - JPEG

How did they choose to elect the first president

How did they choose to elect the first president

768x298 - 10KB - JPEG

How did they choose to elect the first president

How did they choose to elect the first president

768x298 - 25KB - JPEG

ue,ancient world,ancients,anonymous,choose,a

ue,ancient world,ancients,anonymous,choose,a

1280x853 - 117KB - JPEG

choose ,select, pick , opt,elect ,choose选择

choose ,select, pick , opt,elect ,choose选择

180x180 - 19KB - JPEG



1280x853 - 99KB - JPEG



1280x940 - 98KB - JPEG

eetings in Buenos Aires, members will elect the

eetings in Buenos Aires, members will elect the

749x421 - 23KB - JPEG

choose,select elect的异同 以上三但它们之间也有区别:choose 指在两个或多个之中选择其一,可与from 或

下列情况通常用 choose,而不用select: a.在两者中选择或不愿接受的事物中选择时: He chose death before

select和choose有什么区别?汇集知识碎片,创造有价值的答案 经常在电子数码产品的菜单和电脑游戏里看到


谁能举例告诉我select和choose的区别?精选,。从同类许多东西中仔细辨别后挑选最合适的。The peasan


谁能举例告诉我select和choose的区别 一、choose用法最广,表示“选择,Tiao 选”,侧重于通过意志或判断,


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