put off的用法_put off加doing还是to do

词语辨析:delay,postpone与put off的区别--词语

词语辨析:delay,postpone与put off的区别--词语

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China Should Put off Retirement Age Starting 2

China Should Put off Retirement Age Starting 2

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the overwhelmed just put off work|holiday travel|

the overwhelmed just put off work|holiday travel|

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Never put off till tomorrow what you can. 来自大

Never put off till tomorrow what you can. 来自大

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art on Show And Tell to explain why she put off

art on Show And Tell to explain why she put off

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Beijingers put off home plans

Beijingers put off home plans

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Never put off what you can do today unti…-堆糖

Never put off what you can do today unti…-堆糖

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irls at Adam Levine's Halloween party put off by

irls at Adam Levine's Halloween party put off by

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学个词Learn a Word第1007期:put off--学个词|L

学个词Learn a Word第1007期:put off--学个词|L

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ichael Laudrup tax battle with Ajax won't put off

ichael Laudrup tax battle with Ajax won't put off

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Cody Simpson is put off by roses given to him b

Cody Simpson is put off by roses given to him b

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Are women who put off pregnancy fuelling brea

Are women who put off pregnancy fuelling brea

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Don't be put off by it's looks from outside._伦敦

Don't be put off by it's looks from outside._伦敦

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【My song has put off her adornments】在线收

【My song has put off her adornments】在线收

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如何正确使用delay, postpone和put off

如何正确使用delay, postpone和put off

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put off的用法?1.延期,推迟;拖延 They decided to put the meeting off until after Christmas.Ta 们决定

沪江词库精选put off是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语、put off的用法

put off的意思是什么?put off的用法是什么?许恒 2016/4/19 12:56:18 阅读755次 英语 put off的意思是什么

海词词典,最权威的学习词典,专业出版PUT OFF是什么意思,PUT OFF的用法,PUT OFF翻译和读音等详细讲解。

沪江提供词汇精选:put off的用法和辨析、本期要讲的词汇是put off,沪江词汇精选为大家挑选高频词汇,精讲

put off 1. a.To delay;postpone:put off paying the bills. b.To persuade to delay further action:

put off的用法 1.put off+名词=put+Wu 主代词 off 脱下 I put off my sweater after coming into the room.

put off的用法 put off的用法1.put off+名词=put+物主代词 off 脱下I put off my sweater after coming

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