

everything is a matter.but you only use substance in science or when you talk about the density of

substance和matter当物质讲有何区别?查下再说~ 英语翻译:如何区别使用matter、substance、object、body?

展开全部 matter:【化】物质 substance:【化】物质 material:【化】物料


matter 分为 substance mixture matter 分为 substance mixturesubstance 又分为 element 和


如何区分mattersubstance?你见过的最想让人吐槽的译名是哪一个? 回答 发布于 2018-10-22



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【预订】Aristotle: Substance, Form and Matte

【预订】Aristotle: Substance, Form and Matte

350x350 - 7KB - JPEG

《The Nature of Substance: Spirit and Matter》

《The Nature of Substance: Spirit and Matter》

210x346 - 9KB - JPEG

Humic Substance and Dissolved Organic Matte

Humic Substance and Dissolved Organic Matte

738x1119 - 80KB - PNG

Is dark matter made up of tiny BLACK HOLES?

Is dark matter made up of tiny BLACK HOLES?

634x562 - 37KB - JPEG

Matter and Substance in the Cartesian Univers

Matter and Substance in the Cartesian Univers

738x981 - 96KB - PNG

Matter of Glorious Trial: Spiritual and Material S

Matter of Glorious Trial: Spiritual and Material S

230x346 - 9KB - JPEG

Matter of Glorious Trial: Spiritual and Material S

Matter of Glorious Trial: Spiritual and Material S

300x300 - 10KB - JPEG

Dark matter is found in the Milky Way's core: El

Dark matter is found in the Milky Way's core: El

634x501 - 145KB - JPEG

Particulate matter and components of the organ

Particulate matter and components of the organ

738x955 - 110KB - PNG

The mysterious substance that makes up most

The mysterious substance that makes up most

736x736 - 129KB - JPEG



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Style, Sex, and Substance: 10 Catholic Women

Style, Sex, and Substance: 10 Catholic Women

720x540 - 354KB - PNG

Have we got dark matter all wrong? New theory

Have we got dark matter all wrong? New theory

634x620 - 51KB - JPEG

ientists are unable to shed light on dark matter

ientists are unable to shed light on dark matter

634x416 - 54KB - JPEG

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