no rule to make target all

ndk-r9d/ndk-build all Android NDK:WARNING:APP_PLATFORM android-19 is larger than android:

make[1]:*No rule to make target `jni/./submodules/linphone/oRTP/build/android/././src/str_utils.c',

make:*No rule to make target `all'.Stop. 这是NDK子带的例子,环境都配置好了,CYG+ECLIPSE,这个问题

make:*No rule to make target 'all'.Stop. 10:03:13 Build Finished(took 194ms) run的时候提示找不到

展开全部 No rule to make target 指示makefile问题 详情参考该帖:

展开全部 No rule to make target all,是学习计算机C语言时的报错信息。属于规则运用错误。可在网上查找

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