
Bill Clinton and actor Matthew McConaughey a

Bill Clinton and actor Matthew McConaughey a

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'Grease' and 'Taxi' actor Jeff Conaway dies at 6

'Grease' and 'Taxi' actor Jeff Conaway dies at 6

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Andy Lau to star in remake of classic action mo

Andy Lau to star in remake of classic action mo

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i brokeback mountain \/i actor ledger dies -- chin

i brokeback mountain \/i actor ledger dies -- chin

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egastar is world's second highest paid actor[1]

egastar is world's second highest paid actor[1]

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Colin Firth accepts the award for best actor for

Colin Firth accepts the award for best actor for

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Rich actor Daniel Radcliffe

Rich actor Daniel Radcliffe

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3: Daniel Day-Lewis first three-time Best Actor

3: Daniel Day-Lewis first three-time Best Actor

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Javier Bardem wins best supporting actor Osca

Javier Bardem wins best supporting actor Osca

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Actor Christian Bale reacts after winning the Os

Actor Christian Bale reacts after winning the Os

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Detienen a actor porno que asesinó y desmem

Detienen a actor porno que asesinó y desmem

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South Korean actor Lee Byung-hun marries

South Korean actor Lee Byung-hun marries

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Mourners bid farewell to popular SKorean actor

Mourners bid farewell to popular SKorean actor

217x345 - 20KB - JPEG

ngratulates Leonardo DiCaprio for Best Actor w

ngratulates Leonardo DiCaprio for Best Actor w

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see below).[1]The actor performs"in the flesh"in the traditional medium of the theatre or in modern


Actor模式是一种并发模型,与另一种模型共享内存完全相反,Actor模型share nothing。所有的线程(或进程)



actor,中国百科网 简明英汉词典 actor [5AktE] n. 男演员,行动者,参与者 美国传统词典[双解] actor ac.tor

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