
Are universities doing enough to include mature

Are universities doing enough to include mature

620x656 - 46KB - JPEG

Have a favorite color? Be sure to include it in yo

Have a favorite color? Be sure to include it in yo

550x611 - 66KB - JPEG

Signs of recovery doing little for stock markets

Signs of recovery doing little for stock markets

218x356 - 15KB - JPEG

include 后面加什么形式?_360问答

include 后面加什么形式?_360问答

361x639 - 26KB - JPEG

'What is Justin Bieber doing playing football at

'What is Justin Bieber doing playing football at

634x813 - 130KB - JPEG

How Spending 60 Minutes Doing This Every M

How Spending 60 Minutes Doing This Every M

500x281 - 114KB - JPEG



364x298 - 17KB - JPEG

Orlando shooting victims include parents, teach

Orlando shooting victims include parents, teach

952x658 - 78KB - JPEG

: Here's What President Obama Will Be Doing

: Here's What President Obama Will Be Doing

800x548 - 119KB - JPEG

hat Wine, Sugar, Gluten, & Dairy Are Doing to

hat Wine, Sugar, Gluten, & Dairy Are Doing to

630x632 - 44KB - JPEG

hat Wine, Sugar, Gluten, & Dairy Are Doing to

hat Wine, Sugar, Gluten, & Dairy Are Doing to

630x690 - 43KB - JPEG

e West renovating $20 million home to include

e West renovating $20 million home to include

634x535 - 142KB - JPEG

Wheel of Wealth developer doing a Kickstarter

Wheel of Wealth developer doing a Kickstarter

550x257 - 24KB - JPEG

Chelsea Flower Show highlights include dress

Chelsea Flower Show highlights include dress

964x641 - 100KB - JPEG

ominic Wilcox's breakfast inventions include ce

ominic Wilcox's breakfast inventions include ce

468x323 - 44KB - JPEG

find 后面要加名词或代词,或者句子他宁愿不去考虑未来.prefer to do sth 宁愿做某事prefer doing to doing


楼主朋友.risk这个单词~只有后面加doing~是不能加to do 的. 你指的应该是这个~risk可以做名词和动词 名词的

include 后面跟的“”与的区别 2017年05月04日 13:12:04 yu_chun_de_ren_lei 阅读数:1073 include"sys.h"#

include加doing sth么 那including是介词,后面加名词就行啊 只能是include doing sth. 因为include后面

include+"n. 加ing:like doing,remeber doing,forget doing,prefer doing to doing,look forward to doing

include加doing 只有includING STH 意思是包括什么。include 包含 Doing 正做什么 sth=Something 一些


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