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有道词典:#每日一句# Adventure may hurt you,

有道词典:#每日一句# Adventure may hurt you,

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有道词典:#每日一句# Keep in mind that neithe

有道词典:#每日一句# Keep in mind that neithe

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有道词典:#每日一句#Sometimes the heart see

有道词典:#每日一句#Sometimes the heart see

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#有道每日一句#Better to light one candle. 来自

#有道每日一句#Better to light one candle. 来自

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#有道每日一句#Don't make promises you ca. 来

#有道每日一句#Don't make promises you ca. 来

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有道词典:#每日一句# I had therefore to remove

有道词典:#每日一句# I had therefore to remove

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#有道每日一句#Be the king of the spiritu. 来自有

#有道每日一句#Be the king of the spiritu. 来自有

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#有道每日一句#Forget all the reason why . 来自

#有道每日一句#Forget all the reason why . 来自

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#有道每日一句#Truth needs no color; beau. 来

#有道每日一句#Truth needs no color; beau. 来

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#有道每日一句#A certain amount of care o. 来自

#有道每日一句#A certain amount of care o. 来自

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#有道每日一句#It always seems impossible. 来

#有道每日一句#It always seems impossible. 来

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#有道每日一句#I always like walking in t. 来自有道词典

#有道每日一句#I always like walking in t. 来自有道词典

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#有道每日一句#If work has no intention,. 来自有道词典

#有道每日一句#If work has no intention,. 来自有道词典

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#有道每日一句#The most difficult, is the. 来自有道词典

#有道每日一句#The most difficult, is the. 来自有道词典

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有道词典每日一句 Some birds are not meant to be caged;their feathers are just too bright.有些鸟儿

有道词典每日一句》经典收藏   If you don't build your dream, someone will hire 1下载券

有道每日一句#You don’t choose your family.They are God’s gift to you,as you are to them.”你不能

有道每日一句#​​​Whatever happens tomorrow,we had today.不管明天会发生什么,我们还有今天。(图片

有道每日一句#The greatest contest is always with the enemy within,and that battleground can be the

有道每日一句#Other men live to eat,while I eat to live.别人为食而生存,我为生存而食。苏格拉底

有道每日一句#Prosperity discovers vice,adversity virtue.得意时露瑕疵,逆境中见品质。(图片来源:视觉

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