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Christmas Gifts for an 18-Year-Old Girl | eHow

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Jennifer Garner and two-year-old Samuel sport

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anizer Willie Nelson confesses his 16-year-old

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ay be linked to MISCARRIAGE: 31-year-old los

ay be linked to MISCARRIAGE: 31-year-old los

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year-old 是形容词,后面可以加名词,这个词中间那个是“-”是连词符 years old是表示几岁,比如5 years old

英语单词大全提供year old是什么意思,year old在线翻译,year old什么意思,year old的意思,year old的翻译,

XX-year-old是“XX岁的”的意思,是形容词,一般用作定语,修饰名词,也可以用作名词. XX years old,是个形容词

This coffin is very small-within lies an eighty-nine year old woman. 因为这 具 棺材 很小,静静 躺 在

I was shocked when the father screamed at his two year old and hit him in the head with a fork.


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